Saturday, October 17, 2009

Once a year

There are tons of things people do once a year... some people make resolutions (to be broken several times a year), some people sleep in, some people do a good deed, some people volunteer...

Then, there are things that happen to you once a year... Like, today. I was woken up at 6am to THUNDEROUS booming sounds. Not reminiscent of the booms from cars that sounded like they were going to explode from when I lived back in "da hood", but a very in-time, very well-practiced kind of booming. Oh... it's the band invitational. You know, where every band known to man shows up and competes against one another. Joyous rapture. I'll be listening to mediocre high school marching bands from now until the end of time... (Does anybody know when that is, by chance?) I need to go get some coffee until then.

Anywho, I know it's been a while since I've blogged. *not that anyone is reading* But, I've been suuuppppeeerrrrr busy with everything. Work, quartet, life - you know. Last week was homecoming for Cathy and I got stuck baby-sitting the kids at the dance instead of going out to have my own party. Super duper lame.

Am I complaining? I sure feel like I am. So, I'll shut up now and get ready to teach.

Current Sound: Out of tune scales with Dvorak's New World Symphony in the background (also done by a phenomenal marching bad... I mean, band) There is also that AWESOME sound in the farther background sound that sounds similar to beating on tin trash cans and throwing metal recyclables around...

Current Mood: Looks a little something like this: o.O

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