Wednesday, September 23, 2009

#1 - Whether Weather

If you're reading this: I'm sure you've nothing better to do - but, you may find me a bit interesting... Or so I've heard.

I'm going to try and keep a blog. Doesn't matter how often I update; just the fact that I will consistently keep one. Yes!

I will write about:
  • penguins!
  • recipes
  • websites
  • singers/songs
  • random musings
  • quite possibly my feelings... blah

Okay, so anyway... On to what I'm going to write about for real today.

Whether Weather

Right now, I have Crazy Eyes by Dave's True Story on ||: repeat :||

Penguin of the Day:

I'm a little crazy and can't decide what to do... I absolutely ADORE soft, jazzy music but find it terribly depressing (in a good way) as well. How well it suits the weather today though! I can't decide whether to listen to this music even though the weather outside foils the music and makes it worse or to just listen to something else.

Considering I'm a classically-trained, professional violinist - my colleagues say I listen to trash. I say, it's just eclectic. I mean, to teach well and know what my students are thinking, I have to listen to their music too, right? I do love me some crap pop music though... (not gonna lie)

It's a little drizzly... I rolled out of bed around 9, stayed in my pjs, drank a cup of hot green tea while organizing my millions of drawers full of crap (I'll take a picture someday). I had a garage sale... 3 weekends in a row to try to rid some clutter from my life and was only mildly successful in my task. Now... what do I do about the 10,000 purses, shoes and accessories I have left? I went through my house and started finding all my earrings. I really do have about a million pairs. What do I do with them? I've recently made so many trips to the salvation army, goodwill, and other such donation centers that they know me by name. *that, deserves a little smile*

On a COMPLETELY different note: I have to leave for work at 2. Decided that I'm sick of my couches not matching... and figured - why not help the failing economy? Not that the economy isn't failing me as well, but you really can't stop a shopaholic.

Ok... so... giving *stars* for difficulty
  1. Gotta find a home for all my old stuff ***
  2. Find a set of matching couches that I can afford *****(**********)

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